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Photo Info

Dimensions6780 x 2067
Original file size9.06 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken18-Oct-02 10:40
Date modified20-May-14 13:13
Chaplain’s Outer Office

Chaplain’s Outer Office

Sometime between 1872 and 1885 these rooms were constructed in the outdoor area between Cellblocks 9 and 1. Upon their completion, the Warden’s Office was moved from the Administration Building to this area. Amid security concerns, the Warden’s Office was relocated to the Administration Building in 1923 – 24. Subsequently, some of the rooms were used to house the offices of the Catholic Chaplain. Here you can see pictures which were painted on the walls by an anonymous inmate in the 1950s. The paintings depict traditional Catholic themes with prison details. The murals have been restored since this photograph was taken.